Thursday, April 05, 2012

"The chair!! The chair!!"


My day in court didn't go as I thought it would. No "I OBJECT, Your Honor!" No "One more word, counselor, and I'll find you in CONTEMPT!" And no "How do you please?"

None of that. First, I did what I always do when going somewhere I've never been in LA: I got lost. That will be the last time I let my shitty phone's map let me down. Then, after a brief wait, I gave my account of the accident (I was subpoenaed as a witness) for the third time. After which, I was released. Perhaps someone got the chair later in the morning's sessio , but I missed it.

I felt a little ripped-off, so I got some donuts.

Tonight - The Page.
Your friendly neighborhood corner bar. (if you live in lower/mid Haight, that is)

whrr ... clik!

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