Thursday, October 11, 2012

Choosy moms.


I pawed through my brother's books and man, does he have a lot of cook books.  Cool!  I love cook books.  He has enough to fill a B. Dalton Borders Barnes & Noble store's cook book section, I swear.

One of the titles got me thinking.  It was called "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter."  I scanned it and the gist was pretty simple:  It was a guide of what you should and shouldn't make from scratch.  Make sandwich bread, buy baguettes.  Okay, fine.

I was knee-deep in my current project, a home made 5000 volt electronic bug zapper, when I thought of her book.  I'd already slightly electrocuted myself a few times and I was shaking-off the latest jolt when I thought, "hey, maybe I'll use her method on THIS project."  I was kinda tired of shocking myself and the neighbors were complaining about the brownouts. 

Problem is, I can't find a commercial zapper with enough voltage.  Maybe I mod an off-the-shelf model?  hmmmm.

Tonight -  Thieves Tavern. 
(Haven't been there since it was "Hush Hush", so the time is right)

whrr ... clik!

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