Thursday, August 01, 2013

Photo Boof (Redux)


I don't have a lot to say today, but I have a fun post nevertheless. My home email address is very simple and Apple-based, as it was originally provided by my membership to their dot-mac service, (which became ",me" with the advent of their iPhone service, and then ".icloud" when their cloud service was launched. What with the proliferation of Apple Stores around the country, and their internet-enabled "hands-on" demonstration computers laying around within, it wasn't a total surprise that when the camera-enabled computers came around that some snapshots got emailled to me from the store. Call it Spam if you like, but after a few came through I started to save and enjoy them. Here they are, for your amusement. Strangers w/ Apples. Mebbe it's a bug. Mebbe it's marketing. I don't care. I like the snaps.

Tonight - Vesuvio - a North Beach classic!

BTW, none of the above people will be there.


whrr ... clik!

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