Thursday, February 06, 2014



My pal from the ice rink's birthday is today.  We connected because -aside from seeing each other every Thursday - we both like the Chicago Blackhawks.

Since the 'Hawks played the hometown goon squad "Kings" just this past Monday, I thought I'd see if any moderately-priced tickets were available.  When I found out they were, I asked my pal's wife if she'd buy him one and I could surprise him with it in a rather sneaky way.  She said, "Hell yes."  I decided to surprise Ez, too.

So I got the tickets for him, Ez and me.  And then my game was afoot!  I lamented aloud to my pal that I looked for tickets and they were REALLY expensive.  "Hey," I said, "what about you coming over to watch the game on my HDTV?" (He still has a fucking SDTV.)  "I'll grill you some burgers and not get you a cake for your birthday.  What do ya say?"  He said okay.  "Well come up with something you want to go with yr burger or you're going to get eggy-pickley tater salad to go with it.  He said that sounded okay.  So I had him hooked.

As the day of the game approached, I kept stirring the pot.  I told him that Ez and I were gonna geek out and wear our Blackhawks jerseys to watch the game, so he had to wear his new jersey.

Lastly, I devised a plan to get him in the car and start heading toward the stadium.  "Ah shit," I said, "I forgot the buns and I'm almost out of beer!  We gotta go to the store!"  I hid the tickets in the passenger seat's sun visor.  When we were driving, I said, "See if my coupons are up there."  He did and the tickets fell right into his lap.  The jig was up!

The game was great, our team won and Ez high-fived everyone wearing Blackhawks gear he could.  Often he'd just whack someone's hand.  I told him he had to say, "good game," or "high-five!" to make his intention clear.  He high-fived guys, girls, old women, drunk people, kids and even Staples Center workers.  Everyone likes a little Blackhawks fan.

Tonight (the cozy confines of) - The Page

whrr ... clik!


Cat Tastrophy said...


Cat Tastrophy said...
