Thursday, October 30, 2014

From Redondo to Calabassos


Of the myriad things that bug the shit out of me are the fuckwits that park in the red zone in front of the grocery store entrance.  Some do it because they fill their water jugs at the machines just outside the doors.  Others drivers sit idle in their vehicles while their passenger goes in to get chips and Twinkies®.  I always curse them and hope that some day a cop will find them there and give them the fucking ticket they deserve.

That day seemed to arrive a few days back.  I wheeled my cart of booze and cigarettes out the front doors of the local Ralph's grocery to see the two fat, ugly idiots I had noticed earlier in the Hostess® section loading their junk food into a cherry-red, gleaming Jaguar F-Type convertible (top up, the pussies).  This beautiful car was parked in a blue-striped zone on the WRONG side of the cart-return on the end of the parking row.  Stenciled in the blue stripes was "NO PARKING."  These cunts made their own parking space.

As I emerged from the store to observe this, a motorcycle LAPD officer was wheeling up to the couple, who were still loading.  "Bingo!, I thought."  The cop was pointing to the stripes and looked peeved.  I loaded my stuff, peeking over the car tops to see the cop's lecture continuing.  He kept on while I finished loading and walked over to return my cart.  Then … he left.  God damn it.  The fuckers get away with it.

Then, I saw the Jag backing up down the row, followed by the cop.  The Jag-offs tried to exit the lot by going the wrong way down the parking lanes and the cop made them go back.  Jesus, I thought, these dicks are making up their own rules.  Then, as the cop passed me, I said just that. "Jesus, get a hot Jag and you get to do whatever you want," I said.  "Seems so," the cop said.  The asshole lady in the passenger seat must have heard me.  "Seriously?" she accused.  "Please proceed; I don't want to guess what you're going to do next," I said.

Then, she started cussing me out.  Pretty spectacularly, I might add.

"Now she's swearing at me," I told the cop.

"You have to pick your battles," he replied.

I laughed at that, but the joke was on me.  If this dick gets away with parking wherever he wants, there's nothing to dissuade him from doing it again and again.  Caught by a cop and he gets away with it.  Shit.

Tonight - 5th Thursday!!  The Homestead.

Ms. Heather Lake suggests a pre-TNSC Halloween warm-up at The Make-Out Room @ 7:30pm. 
Killer Queens (all girl Queen tribute band) and Malice Cooper (duh – Alice Cooper tribute band) are there for your entertainment.  $8 cover.

Special shout-out to TNSC NOLA, tonight!  SF represents!!

whrr ... clik!

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