Thursday, February 25, 2016

In a Can


Among the brainless rants, ridiculous commentary, interesting articles, amusing gifs and all the rest the mighty, vast Intertubes have to offer, they offer podcasts.  I'm back on the job and therefore am sitting in front of a computer for 9-10 hours a day, and podcasts help burn down the hours (as does a robust, "functioning" render farm).  One brutally great podcast is one called "Hardcore History," and it really lives up to its name and delivers fascinating, detailed accounts of our human history here on Earth.

The multi-part, multi-hour-per-part series of Hardcore History I'm listening to is called "Blueprint for Armageddon," an account of the misery that was World War I.  I highly recommend it, if you're into feeling terrible about humanity and the Leaders of Men.

You know the gist of WWI:  19th Century war tactics put up against 20th Century war technology.  It was brutal and pitifully sad.

One of the saddest "battles" was the Battle of the Somme.  It was a five month meat grinder in which it is estimated 1,000,000 men were killed or wounded.  It started poorly:  One the opening day, July 1, 1916, the British whistles blew, the tommies went over the wall, the Boche machine guns opened up and neary 20,000 tommies were killed.  Sad, sad, sad.

Anyway, I'm telling you this because I'm reenacting the first day of the Battle of the Somme in my gut.  I'm on a course of antibiotics for a fucking bug and I don't really care for antibiotics.  My bright idea this time is to bolster my gut biome by taking probiotics.  I'm taking something called Solaray Multidophilus 20 Billion.  That's a lot of microorganisms that go down the hatch only to meet the antibiotics.  I'm hoping the good beasties can hold the line until I'm done with the antibiotics.  I do have a bit of fun pretending the 20 Billion are the troops going over the wall.  But then, I'm prone to stupid ideas like that.

Tonight - The Homestead.

whrr ... clik!

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