Thursday, April 07, 2016

Bluejay Way


My kid loves to watch movie trailers.  The Apple TV dingus has a channel ... or app or whatever ... called "Trailers."  At least it did before the Apple TV 2 came out and shit all over what we were used to and started over.  Anyway, we used to spin up the Trailers channel and watch Disney movie trailers, Pixar trailers, Dreamworks trailers ... everything new and old and kid-friendly.

Ez (my kid, duh) loves ninjas.  I showed him the trailer for "You Only Live Twice," the 007 James Bond film that has a boatload of ninjas in it.  We then watched a compilation of Bond trailers.  Good machine-gunning, stunt-driving, Bond girl-kissing (Ez said, "ew") and general fun and mayhem.
Early the next morning we woke to find a fog upon LA.  Ez was fascinated by it and so I spun up the Trailers channel on the Apple TV and I showed him the trailer for The Fog.  It wasn't the best idea I've had.  Ez got scared of the killer ghost lepers that killed people with gaffing hooks.  He didn't watch much, cuz I turned it off as soon as I saw that he didn't dig it.

Later I found my wife was not happy when she found out.  She found out at bedtime a few nights later when Mr. Memory said he was scared of the fog and ratted me out for showing him the trailer.  I said I'd take care of it.

I said I was sorry to him over cereal the next morning.  Then I told him that most movies - especially scary movies - had a lesson to teach the audience.  I then told him the lesson of the fog in two ways.

1.  Don't trick a boatload of diseased people to their doom with a fake lighthouse or their ghosts might fuck your descendants up.
2.  Lesson 1 distilled is:  Be kind and generous to people who need help.

Tonight - Orbit Room (by divine intervention)

whrr ... clik!

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