Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lemon Wedge (REDUX)

8.3.2016  (first posted this week 2002)

When I die I hope I get reincarnated as a calamari and go back in time so I can piss off this guy at work that hates calamari 'cause he's a weirdo and he thinks god hates calamari and by him hating calamari too it makes him more godlike than the rest of us who like calamari and don't believe in god anyway. I like the tentacles and the rubberbands too, since we're talkin' about calamari here and I think believing in god is a little weird 'cause lots of people do and lots of people also like Cher as a singer and I think she sux. If yr wondering if I wonder if Cher likes calamari well stop because I don't give a shit. I prefer the little suckers deep fried w/ some cocktail sauce and mebbe a little tartar but a dredge through some Tabasco dipping pond is right good too.

Tonight - Smuggler's Cove 
(Rum done right - in the "Crow's Nest" bar - aka "upstairs") 

whrr ... clik!

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