Thursday, August 04, 2016

Walter Said...


 ----- Original Message -----
Subject: Ordering Help (Thread:203422)

I bought a Soulra and if I place it in the direct Southern California sunlight, it overheats the iPhone so much the phone shuts off. Will I get the same charge placing it in indirect sunlight? I've rigged up a white piece of cardboard to shield the thing in the meantime. Thanks. (Maybe make the thing white or silver or something?)

Walter replied:
Thanks for your email.The Soulra is designed to be in direct sunlight, but your iPhone must be protected. You'll also get a charge in indirect sunlight, but the charging will take longer. The white cardboard shielding should work quite well; even silver should work. Just keep your iPhone out of direct sunlight.

Walter | Technical Support Manager

To: Walter

Is it up to the consumer to construct a shield? Perhaps you should manufacture one that isn't makeshift. This is clearly a design flaw.

Walter replied:

Yes, it's up to the consumer to keep the iPod or iPhone at the temperature specifications provided by its manufacturer.
Walter | Technical Support Manager

Tonight - Make Out Room
Big night out!!  Entertainment courtesy of the "fabulous"
Bud E. Luv.  Doors 7 / Show 8 -  $10 cover.

whrr ... clik!

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