Thursday, May 25, 2017

Heads Up!! (REDUX)

5.4.2017 (first published this week 2000)


Think back for a minute. Think about when you were a kid. What did you like to do most?

Climb trees? Eat Popsicle's? Play "Marco Polo?"

Fast forward. What do you like to do most now?

Day trade? Collect salt and pepper shakers? Drink a lot of booze?

If you like to drink a lot of booze, you're in luck, boy and girl. This is the official Thursday Night Social Club email communication! Accept no others! Tonight your fellow list members will descend on this little gem of a bar:

Tonight - The Homestead

This week's singled-out list member: Tuesday McGowan.  She's in town, so come on out and see her!

Rosey's still out of town so once again there's no need for a map. Can you believe he needs a map to The Homestead? The place is about a hundred steps from where he works for crying out loud.

Tonight's Contests: bubblegum bubbles, hold-your-breath, jump-rope, cartography (we can have this contest while Rosey's gone, otherwise we would spend the entire night explaining it to him.)

This week's Art's and Crafts: Stew-meat and puppets.

whrr ... clik!

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