So through some grace I found myself with a 3D printer and after a bit of futzing around with it, I got it to work. Yay futzing! I printed up a few dinguses I found on the web, modeled a few others and then printed them with success. My little robot progeny was designing a game and needed a spinner and so I printed him one. It worked well and he liked it.
He and his pals are into making games and he asked if he could take the spinner to school to demo it for them (and use it in the game they were making). He asked if we could make more spinners for his friends. I asked if he wanted to give them away ... or sell them? Yay Capitalism!
So we piled a bunch of rolls of PLA filament into an online cart, hit the Place Order button and got a mail prize a few days later. We got busy printing spinners and started to pile them into a box. When the box was full, he took it to school and "didn't come home until the box was empty." Actually, the spinners sold themselves and he was quickly out (he did float some kids on collecting the price (they said they'd bring it in the next day) - so I think he and I need to have a conversation about interest on a loan and collection "techniques.")
Perhaps the best part of the spinner design is the blank face of it: It is without any numbers, letters, symbols or anything else the spinning pointer would point to when finished spinning. That part of the unit is - as they say these days - an "add on purchase." We have cardstock and a compass with a cutting end. We make and sell the inserts!! Yay New Economy!
Tonight - The Homestead.
whrr ... clik!
Thursday, January 25, 2018
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