Thursday, May 09, 2019

Not All Mushrooms... (REDUX)

5.2.2019 (first posted this week 2001)

Which one of you lovely List Members has a journal that you'd like to share with the group? I figure some or all of you have some pretty great stories. The great thing about a journal is the "as it is happening" phenomenon. You got a date, you got a story. "15 July 1987. What a bummer. I went to see Love and Rockets and that babe Caroline was there. Dang I want to kiss her ... " Later you look back at your journal and maybe you never kissed her, ever, or you kissed her a week later and she was a terrible kisser. Or a great kisser and you dated her all summer, only to get dumped for the joker that played the Scarecrow in the school's rendition of "The Wiz." My point is that the date is the key. Mebbe you remember that you had a great chili dog a few summers back, but yer journal sez: "31 August '96. Had the best goddamn chili dog ... ever!" and now it ain't a few summers, it's exactly ... er ... a lot of days ago. Yeh, well ... Okay. Now here's what I really like: The events you don't need a journal to remind you of the dates. I remember exactly what I was doing nine years ago today. I was having drinks. A lot of them. The difference is that I was all dressed up in a suit and getting smashed at a fancy restaurant in downtown Chicago with my best friends and family. I had me a cap and gown and a little later - still pretty well oiled, mind you - this Jesuit priest handed over a diploma. That's right, I done grad-ye-ated me from college nine years ago today. I remember it like it was yesterday. That's an expression that's always bugged me but sometimes it's appropriate. It snowed overnight and early in the morning, but at noon it was pushing 80 (WILD temp fluctuations in Spring in Chi) and all the snow was melting. It was something else. Anyhoo ... it occurs to me that I haven't been in a classroom for nine years. No more teachers, dirty looks, books, pencils and such. That rules! Those obnoxious "taking a test you're not ready for" dreams have all but gone away too. When I do have one, though, I've been able to work my way through it. I'm all stressed because I know I haven't studied for the sucker and I go in and sit down anyway, and start writing a bunch of nonsense in the blue book then think - hey! I'm not IN SCHOOL anymore, dammit! I don't have to take this dumb test. ha! That's a treat.

Tonight: Lucky 13 (by request)
(Happy 25th Anniversary!!  **CASH ONLY**
News: Bruce is new to the list. Welcome Bruce! Remember, list members, send your non-public comments to:

TONIGHT'S CONTEST: Hey! The subscription routine was so fun the Founding Members have decided to run it all over again! The original list was scrapped so we could do this. The new list is called PLEASE SIGN UP AGAIN to qualify to win a valuable prize. Click this link here, then send the email message and you're signed up! Yay!

TONIGHT'S DRAMATIC REENACTMENT: Tonight's Dramatic Reenactment is cancelled due to illness. Jeremy has an achey-breaky ass and he was to play the catapult. It will return next week.

TONIGHT'S SINGLED-OUT LIST MEMBER: Dee. I figure she'll forget the dough I owe her if I do her the Supreme Honor of singling her out. Thanks Dee!

whrr ... clik!

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