Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bog Green

Much as I try to recycle, conserve energy, bike commute and hope for a greener future, I'm starting to hate hybrid cars and the motherfuckers driving them.

You know well that the things are wildly popular. Some say that it's because they conceptually get a few more MPGs than yr average Miata. (Which is questionable when the driver hammers down, thus using the gasoline engine all the while AC on full. Some saving there. What? Are there filters on the tailpipe?) I believe that the jerkoff hybrid driver cares fuck-all about being green and cares only about the stupid rule that hybrid vehicles get access to the High Occupancy Vehicle lanes. What pollutes more: Four solo passenger Priuses or a Ford Exploder carpooling four office nerds? I don't have the stats to back up my guess that the hybrids will come out on top. Plus, ya got four Prius that could wreck and close a freeway, opposed to the one 'sploder. Fast fwd and try to figure out what's gonna happen when theres millions of hybrids on the road. The H/HOV lanes will look like normal lanes. I can HEAR the early adopters crying when they get booted. "We were here first! The new gen hybrids should go, etc. etc."

This ain't really why I hate Insights, Priuses and the rest. The real reason is that I can't fucking hear them sneak up behind me in the Ralph's parking lot. Goddang electric motor is so quiet I don't know they're back there until the motherfucker is nipping the heels of my Chucks. They should put a bell on them.

Tonight - The Homestead.

Here's tonight's: Find the Reference!


whrr ... clik!

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