Thursday, June 13, 2019

Violins (REDUX)

6.2.2019  (first posted this week 2000)

A long, long time ago I had a pet silverfish. It was quite the non-standard pet; not a single pet food store had silverfish food. Purina did not manufacture "Silverfish Chow." I guessed that not a lot of folks kept the little suckers as pets. I got a little worried when it didn't eat for a while. For a little over a year, actually. It got a little thin. It seemed happy, though. It really perked up when I discovered it's favorite foods: dried beef, flour, starch, paper, gum, glue, cotton, linen, rayon, silk, sugar, molds and breakfast cereals. It went through a LOT of cereal. Super Sugar Crisp. (It was a long time ago and it used to be okay to include the word "sugar" in product names. Now Post, Kellogg's and the big G wuss out and call things "Super Golden Crisp." yawn.) Anyhoo, tonight's venue for some weird reason reminded me of the happy days of scuttling across the concrete floor of the basement in Pittsburgh, PA, with my pet silverfish:  POW! 

Since that venue no longer exists in 2019, instead head over to:

Spec's 12 Adler Museum Café
(go for the booze, stay for the cheese & crackers)

Moss alternate email added to list. No one taken off this week. Next week? Is Serena Warner's address correct, or does she just keep getting better offers Thursday nights?

Alan Chimenti birthday next week. He likes cufflinks, lighters, ties, tikis, Volkswagens, gin and smokes. He will be 25.

Contests: Bloody knuckles. Chili pepper eating. Quilting (Tama not eligible).

This week's Art's and Crafts: God's eyes. (Bring your own popsicle sticks. Yarn will be provided.)

This week's singled-out list member: Uriah Lovelycolors. She said something like "See you there" last week. I didn't see her. Did anyone else?

whrr ... clik!

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