Thursday, August 01, 2019

Zingaro! (REDUX)

8.1.2019  (first posted this week 2001)

With lousy weather, few spectators and deadbeats that mostly stayed put, San Francisco’s “Deadbeat on the Move Day 2001” was a less than spectacular event.
A spontaneous happening, the small number of deadbeats relocating was disappointing to some participants.

A middle-aged deadbeat named Sal was looking forward to new digs.“The place I was at got stale. I been in it every day for weeks. That’s what these ‘Onna Move’ days are all about. Change of venue. Only this time hardly anyone moved.”
No records exist from last year’s Deadbeat on the Move Day, but eyewitnesses to both events recall more deadbeats on the move in the year 2000.

Jessie, a 34 year-old deadbeat, chose not to move.
“My place here on the sidewalk is pretty okey,” he said. “I got here a week or two ago and I’m finding it to be great. Lotsa light, a good breeze, you know.”

Still, a fair amount of deadbeats went on the move: A scruffy man in a SF Giants cap and overalls stalked down Seventh Street, apparently with a purpose; a deadbeat riding a mountain bike with no seat cruised down Folsom Street at a speed that suggested he had a destination; a fellow pulling an impressive number of fully-laden shopping carts down Mission Street’s bike lane seemed to be going somewhere specific.

A man identified as “Phil,” a self-proclaimed sponsor of the event, was not impressed.
“Usually you get a mess of folks on the move. Not just one here, a few there. I don’t get it. Folks just not fired up anymore. Time was, “Deadbeat on the Move Day” was popular. Most my friends would get their butts in gear.”

Phil speculated that the recently completed construction on the highway overpasses had yielded prime real estate, complete with shelter and privacy. Many of the encampments can be seen outfitted with cookstoves, clothes lines, some furniture and electronic devices.

As to the handful of spectators, Phil would only guess.
“Some folks don’t wanna see deadbeats on the move. They turn their noses up. They cross the street and walk on the other side.”
No public official was seen at the event, nor could any be reached for comment.

Tonight - Wooden Nickel (by request)

TONIGHT'S CONTEST: Find the reference!

Last Week’s Contest Results: The VA title was "Bonneteau." This is a frog word for "little hat," which refers to the folded cards in three card monty which look like little hats. They look more like little tents, you ask me. Show a Frenchman a little tent and he'll call it a little hat ... after he surrenders to the nearest German. Winner ... Tama. She will enjoy a lovely prize.


TONIGHT'S SINGLED-OUT LIST MEMBER: Anna. Because she never gets mentioned anymore.

PORN TITLE OF THE WEEK: The Politix of Spanking

Some folks will be working late, but the rest of ya get over to the bar! Some folks will be there as soon as they can. Bring your friends. Some folks I know will. See you there! bye-ee!

whrr ... clik!

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